new moon in sagittarius + total solar eclipse
Closing Eclipse season with this New Moon, and slowly closing 2021 too. This New Moon initiates a Moon cycle which goes hand in hand with the last month of the year, December. This month comes packed with a lot of events, but the New Moon is initiating it all . It’s the spark lightening the fire.
What’s special about this New Moon is that it is happening with a total solar eclipse. And as we know, eclipses are powerful twists of fate which usually reflect strong dynamic changes, both personally and collectively. Both in the individual and in the mundane world.
An eclipse in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius is like a fire whirlwind. Literally mind blowing. The initial “effects” might be seen very soon. But it’s workings keep reflecting down here for a longer time, appearing every now and then for months. By then, we might not be conscious of them at all.
It’s visible in the most austral part of the Southern Hemisphere. Some astrologers argue that the “effects” of eclipses are not felt where the eclipses are not seen. But most people swear by their “effects” even when they are far from their visibility. It’s something that we have to carefully observe. I see it in a symbolic way, which certainly does reflect powerful denotations. I can see the fire of Sagittarius relating to changes (slow and gradual, but becoming more significant) in the Antarctic region. What’s “silently” happening there, how will it reach to us in subtle ways later on, and to what magnitude.
In any case, this fire eclipse is tied to a lot of symbolical force and power. It happens in a New Moon, which indicates beginnings, planting something, creating, or initiating a plan. It is a south node eclipse, which indicates that for beginnings to happen, we got to break free from the past, or certain parts of the past.
Like the arrow that Sagittarius throws with the alchemical fire, it shines upon us giving clarity of the present moment, helping us understand that in order to truly move forward, we truly need to let go from the past or from outdated ideas, attachments, thoughts or patterns of behaviour. Anything (or even anyone) that does not serve for our good, or that is limiting us in some way, has to go. And if we resist this evolutionary urgency, the result is recurrent cyclical moments of upheaval, where we continue to crash against the same thing.
We might be under certain (necessary) circumstances that will facilitate this process of awareness, igniting the spark and the need for a dynamic change and optimistic transformation, expanding ourselves towards a future that aligns with what we consider essentially true and meaningful.
This eclipse is particularly relevant for you if your Sun sign is Sagittarius. Even more if your rising sign is Sagittarius (especially for health and personal subjects). Also if you have any other planets in Sagittarius.
Might be nice, smooth, exciting and beneficial if your Sun sign is Aries, even more if it is Leo (which is ruled by the Sun).
Might be more challenging if your Sun sign is Gemini, Virgo or Pisces. Even more, if Mars or Saturn is in any of these three signs (and look at their houses too). In this case, we might really have to do some heavy personal work in order to truly and fully use the expansive and positive opportunity for change from this eclipse. With Neptune also sitting on his domicile sign Pisces in square to Sagittarius, things might feel scary, challenging, and cloudy. But perhaps this is exactly what’s needed in order to take the leap.
Mercury in Sagittarius is in our side. Absolutely. Mercury in Sagittarius is all about expansive thought, looking towards the future with passion and hope, aligning our mind with the truth, saying it, and eliminating mental noise and clutter. Redefining our philosophy, the way we see (and feel about) life, and organising priorities in new levels thanks to the knowledge we’ve gathered though our own experiences.
Another interesting placement happening in the sky by the time of this New Moon and eclipse is Venus approaching Pluto in Capricorn: the transformer, the lord of mutation and change. This is happening while Venus is in shadow (she turns retrograde on 18/December, just before the Full Moon in Gemini).
This could possibly indicate planting the seed of thought or doubt about the value of certain things, people or even ourselves.
Our sense of appreciation about certain topics begins to be questioned, just to be further revisited during Venus retrograde period later on. But for the moment, it might just be good to look at our own worth with genuine and compassionate appreciation.
At this very moment, it might be ideal to make some basic changes in the way we look and feel about ourselves, which goes hand in hand with this process of Sagittarian optimistic and proactive expansion. However, later when Venus does turn retrograde, big physical changes are not recommended!
Also, Venus in Capricorn approaching Pluto can be a double edge sword in terms of spending money. While normally Venus in Capricorn is conservative with money, together with Pluto she can get a little bit out of her comfort zone and spend more than needed on things that show status or physical value. Pluto is obsessions.
To close, I want to clarify that while everyone talks about changes and new beginnings with eclipses, and they are essentially true, these are not things that have to happen exactly on the day of the eclipse or the days following it. Don’t expect a big change that day. Or don’t rush yourself to make changes and “plant seeds” that day or days after (even though there might be an intense feeling that time is running out).
What you need to understand is that the eclipse reflects the unfolding of a chain of certain interrelated events and circumstances which ultimately induce a necessary bigger change.
Change itself involves the death of something and the birth of something else. But this is a gradual process. Specially in this sign. Is powerful, and you might even spot it soon, but the process lingers for months, while events and circumstances keep opening up, ultimately taking us to where we need to be in terms of evolution.