astrological foretelling consultation


A high-quality intepretation of the cosmic phenomena in the future is provided in this consultation — what might unfold in your life, in what area, when, for how long, and how can that affect you. Thanks to the cyclic movement of the planets, we can know where a planet will be before it is there, and what that could mean for an individual.

Prior the consultation, the astrological symbols are carefully analyzed and synthesized in advance by me (2 hours of top-notch groundwork). In this part, my work is to assess and choose the astrological forecasting techniques to be used, calculate and perform the analysis, translate the cosmic symbolism into plain language, and put it all together for you.

The timeframe we will cover in this consultation is one year from the consultation date. In addition to planetary transits and lunar astrology, other symbolic traditional techniques might be employed (solar return, progressions, profections, triplicities, firdaria, & others).

During the consultation, you will get a solid and practical interpretation, structured in simple language, as we engage in an interactive dialogue and explore the year ahead together.

The purpose is to understand the various dynamic conditions that will be active in your life in the future. As a result, you will be well prepared and informed for what is yet to come, which can help you make better decisions.

While this is by nature a predictive consultation, the information is presented in the form of possibilities — what the celestial forces mirror back from you. Specific and detailed information is not disclosed in this consultation. A skilled astrologer can foretell the mirrored astrological winds, showing where and when they might impact your life. You are the captain of the ship, and choose how to steer the boat with the conditions at hand.

Observation: if this is the first time you have an astrology consultation, I recommend you first book a Natal Astrology Consultation.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: €95 (repeat clients: €85)

Via: Google Meet

You will receive the recording of our consultation.

[Optional: detailed complimentary PDF report for €50 extra. This report will be provided within 14 days after the consultation and is hand-written by me. A good way to keep track of the subjects discussed in the consultation, in a handy and practical format].